Principal's Mesaage

Principal's Message

Smt.Snehal Phodse
Smt.Sakarben K. Somaiya Jr. College of Education

Welcome to Smt. S.K.Somaiya Jr. College an Education an institution, with highly qualified academicians Imparting Teacher Education to young Teacher – Trainees. The college enjoys the reputation, of being the best government Aided Junior College of Education in Mumbai.

Since the admissions are centralized, students from all over Maharashtra come to this college. It is a great challenge for the Faculty to shape the teacher - trainees into creative teachers of the 21st Century. I am proud to state that all the students who complete Their training from our institution has been placed very well.My faculty and I strive to provide a holistic education to our students.All this is possible only because the management supports and Encourages us in every possible way.

The college is dedicated to excellence and seeks to infuse the Future teachers of the nation with the values cherished by Indian culture.I take this opportunity to thank all those who are directly and Indirectly responsible for making our institute the most sought After one in Mumbai for teacher education.

"It is the supreme art of a teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge"
- Albert Einstein

Smt.Sakarben K. Somaiya Jr. College of Education primarily intends to nurture the inner potential of budding teachers providing them with an ideal platform to channelize their creativity and express their thoughts on various aspects in tranquility. We take pride in stating that we are the best Government aided Junior college of education in Mumbai.

Our Institution believes the purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.We aim to instill the art of education, aiding them to manage and lead the various opportunities and challenges in theory as well as in classroom teaching with an added edge.

"Highly effective teachers are worth their weight in diamonds because that's what they are. They sparkle, dazzle and amaze us with their artistry.."

Hence, apart from delivering excellent academic content and development of skills through practical experiences, the teachers are encouraged to develop interpersonal skills through interaction with knowledgeable resource coaches. Placement of our young energetic teachers is of prime importance to all of us. A systematic development and overall confidence building is the motto of our institution. We look ahead with renewed hope and new life to another wonderful period of imbibing both knowledge and values and acquiring holistic education that make us not only better teachers but also better human beings.

With warm wishes and God's blessings..

Smt.Snehal Phodse
Smt.Sakarben K. Somaiya Jr. College of Education